COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year olds

Vaccination against COVID-19 is now recommended for children aged 5 – 11 years.

Evidence shows vaccination offers excellent protection against COVID-19 in children. Even though COVID-19 in children is often milder than in adults, there’s strong evidence to support vaccinating children.

Vaccines give the immune system a helping hand to protect against serious illness and possible long-term effects from COVID-19. Vaccination also helps to protect friends, family and the community by reducing spread of the virus.

The Pfizer (Comirnaty) children’s vaccine is the approved COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 – 11 years in Australia. The dose is around 1/3 of the dose for people aged 12 years and older.

Children will receive two doses of the vaccine, given 8 weeks apart. In certain circumstances, the second dose can be brought forward to 3 weeks after the first dose, including:

  • in an outbreak response
  • prior to the initiation of significant immunosuppression
  • before international travel.

Who is eligible?

All children aged 5 – 11 are eligible for vaccination.

Some children have an increased risk from COVID-19. This includes:

  • children aged 5-11 years with underlying conditions 
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • children living in crowded conditions or outbreak areas.


Children aged 5-11 years who have previously had COVID-19 can receive the vaccine once they have recovered from their illness. 


For people aged 5 – 11, consent is required from a parent or guardian at booking and at the appointment.

If the parent or guardian is unable to attend the appointment, a nominated accompanying adult can be identified during the booking process. 

See the Consent for COVID-19 Vaccination for further information. 

How to book

We are offering Pfizer Vaccine for 5-11 years at Criniti Medical Practice from 10th January, 2022.

Book online via Hot Doc:

You can also call reception on (02) 9570 7770 to make a booking.

Further Resources

After Your Vaccination

After receiving any vaccine, you may experience minor side effects. Most side effects are mild and last no more than a few days.

Common reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations include:

  • a sore arm
  • headache
  • low level fever
  • muscle pain
  • chills
  • tiredness, or
  • joint pain.


You can use the COVID-19 vaccine side effects symptom checker if you have concerns about any symptoms after your vaccine. The checker is also available through the National Coronavirus Helpline, 1800 020 080, 24 hours a day.

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